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Star Wars Lightsaber Pepakura Files Helmet

So after the armor I bought didnt live up to what I had hoped for the RC, I have changed my mind on what I want to do. After doing some better research than I did for the RC kit, I came up with the Imperial Guard. To start with, I will go simple to start and use the ROTJ model. I have already sourced out a supplier throughThe hardest part for me going forward with this would be the helmet. Unfortunately, I have a big noggin and I don't want to make the mistake of buying a helmet that is too small for me. So I will either be building my own using pepakura or I will 3D print it.

Either way I have the files for it and it isn't hard to change the scale.at the same time, I plan to work slowly on a Kir Kanos build as well. A character I have always enjoyed.

At the time of this writing, I have already 3D modeled most of the glaive, I am just waiting for the forcepike.net admin to add me to the site so I can get approval on whether it should work.Any help going forward would be of great help. I will keep updated as much as possible. Imperial boots is awesome and they ship fast! I buy anything I can use from them as their gear is good qualityGood to know. I was doing the scouti g on materials to build the robes and velvet is ridiculous. I have good sewing skills but betting at $20/yd is asking for trouble.

Its actually cheaper to go through them than it is to sew it myself.While I'm still planning the rotj guard, ive started the Kit Kanos things. Ive already started on the flavor using my 3d printer. Most of the hard parts are printed now, just one more blade and the majority of it should be done.


After that ill work on wrapping the staff. Considering tue next couple weeka are finals for me, it'll be a little slower. I am already planning out the belt items ans trying to figure out the boots. Sadly, finding boots that are over the knee and come to a point is not easy considering that most boots like that I find are for women and have heels.Out of curiosity, I know that most armor created for the 501st is made from ABS and vacformed, but could I possibly use sintra to make the armor?I'm not having any luck locating vendors for the armor and the pep files I had for kir kanos are long gone and I cant replace them either.

HelmetStar Wars Lightsaber Pepakura Files Helmet

Definitely, and always head to the detachment forums. They have list of parts and helmets, and supplies and so forth. The royal guard helmets don't let you move your neck, and they run kinda small, so ask around.

Free Pepakura Files

Don't use pepakura, and be aware the protectors don't have approval levels, so it needs to be spot on. So double check with themRoger that. I just got my access to the forums this week. I am aware the helmet issues and while I thought about using pepakura, I decided against it.

The project hit a major roadblock this week as I lost my income and my girlfriends income was cut in half along with a bunch of other kicks in the teeth. So its been a while. I finally got around to commencing on the guard project, and have been in the planning stages for a couple of weeks now.

While I wait for the funding and an opening in the imperial boots wave( cause the two never seem to coincide with each other for me) I will be starting on the Kir Kanos build. Slowly and Steadily, I am gathering what I need to get going.After posting on the Sovereign Protector boards, I think I have the go ahead to use my 3D models to print my armor, helmet and Belt items. I just purchased 2 yards of red vinyl to use to make my boots, belt and bodysuit accent pieces. I am also currently in the process of Finalizing my glaive.Here are the models I will be using to print my armor.Reference Picand modelThe final printed pieces will me modified in post production to better represent the reference photo.

But I think this could be a good start. If the printing process fails, I will switch to sintra and work from there.the only other things I have to speak of at the moment are the helmet and DH17. If anyone has a guard helmet I can try on, I love the opportunity. If not, I have the pep files I can put together and get the size I need to 3d print the bucket for use.

As for the DH17, what is a good cheap source for these? If you're looking for single prototype prints of smallish objects, you can upload items to places like thingiverse and order a print from various makers. I've done that before for small items I've modeled as I don't have easy access to a printer.

We also got a couple of folks in CTG with a printer that might be willing to sell or donate print timeWell it would be wonderful if that were the case. I have to either find the specific pike or model it. Up side is that if anyone were to offer their services, I have an unopened spool of black abs they can have. About UsFormed in 2005, the Connecticut Garrison (CTG) is part of 501st Legion, a worldwide group of Star Wars costumers, the largest such group in the world.An all-volunteer non-profit group, the CTG is renowned for our high standard 'movie accurate' costumes, professionalism and dedication to fundraising for charity. During it's existence the CTG has had the opportunity to attend charity events, children's hospital visits, movie premieres, parades, and more. We pride ourselves on movie accurate costumes and being a strong part of the Connecticut community.